16 Dec 2013

If You Like Plumbing ...

... you'll love this

Sinks, taps and traps fitted temporarily to help with fitting waste and water pipes at the right heights. 

Cistern and soil pipe for one of the upstairs toilets. Cistern (and pipe!) will be hidden when finished.

Looking from north to south. Standing in bedroom (/my office), view of upstairs toilet(left), large cupboard (right), stair well, upstairs lounge, passageway to shower room (left), walk-in storage (right), master bedroom

Upstairs shower room. Waste and water pipes for sink, another hidden cistern and frame for toilet, soil pipe to soil stack. Soil pipe branch to right eventually bends upwards and through roof panel to vent outdoors

Shower head and thermostatic shower valve

Upper 22mm layer of flooring removed ready for fitting wet-room shower deck (hole for shower waste outlet still to be cut out)

Looking from south to north. Standing in main bedroom, view of passageway to walk-in storage (left), shower room (right), upstairs lounge, large cupboard, other upstairs bedroom (/my office)

Outside air inlet and outlet. Air distribution units. All to be connected up to Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery system and about 100m of ductiing

Downstairs bathroom. Cistern and soil pipe for toilet. Sink in place while waste and water pipes are fitted. Bath will be to the right of the sink.

Looking towards the downstairs wet-room. Waste pipes emerge through wall into bathroom, hidden by bath. Rear view of wet room shower valve.

Downstairs wet room (near back door so convenient for hosing down mucky dogs). Sink in place, front view of thermostatic shower valve. Note hole in the floor!

Entrance to wet-room, toilet on the right (as you enter), soil stack to upstairs toilet. Utility room behind.

22mm thick shower deck for upstairs shower room. Solid resin and very heavy. Too heavy for me to carry up the ladders so will have to wait until I have help available.

Flow and return pipes for the upstairs radiator

Main connection points for hot and cold water. Pipes emerging from the ceiling in what will be the airing cupboard in the utility room

Other end of the flow and return pipes from the upstairs radiator. Will fit 'T' connectors to these pipes when plasterboard fitted; one side will go to the Air Source Heat Pump, other side to the downstairs radiator. Hole in floor is ducting for electrical wiring to kitchen island.

Hot and cold pipes in kitchen for sink and appliance. Hot water pipes are insulated to minimise heat loss between hot water cylinder and point of use. In theory, should minimise hot water usage.

Other soil stack in corner of kitchen, to upstairs shower room.

22 Sept 2013

Fully Rendered

Nice weather for the last few days and the render finish coat is on. Fitting the rainwater goods has started; when that's finished a bit of trimming and tidying up and the scaffold can go.

6 Sept 2013

Rendering Started

Base coat and reinforcement mesh applied. Finishing coat to be applied next week, weather permitting. Base coat looks to have a grey/pink tint but top coat will be pure white.

2 Sept 2013

Render Specification

Specification of external skin / render system:

Lower edge protection profile. Photo also illustrates the density of fixings used to attach render carrier boards

Sto Verotec (also known as Ventec) 12mm render carrier board attached to timber frame structure with 47x75mm treated timber battens

2-coat acrylic render system with reinforcement mesh. Pallets of Sto Armat Classic natural white render basecoat, Sto Silico K1.5 natural white render finish coat ready for rendering starting later this week

Pile of various Sto profiles - 4mm mesh angle beads and 4mm stop beads